Modehaus Bertsch führt folgende Marken:

A: Alpha Industries, Amber & June, Ammann, Ana Alcazar, Anita, Apricot, Authentic Style, AZ Modell
B: Barbara Lebek, Be Board, Benvenuto, Betty Barclay, Betty & Co, Bling Berlin, Brax, Buena Vista
C: Calamar, Calida, Cambio, Casa Moda, Catalano, Cecil, Chantelle Beachwear, Club of Comfort, Club of Gents, Codello, Comma, Comma CI
D: Diff`, Dorisstreich,
E: Efixelle, Elbsand, Erfo, Emily Van den Bergh, Eterna
F: Falke, Fox's, Fraas, Frank Lyman, Frank Walder, Freebird, Fuchs Schmitt
G: Gabba, Gang, Gate One, Gil Bret, Ginatricot, Gipsy, G.O.L., Grasegger
H: Happy Socks, Hatico, Hattric, Heimatliebe, Hermann Lange (AZ Modell), Highlight Company
I: Inyati, Intermoda
J: Japan TKY, Joseph Ribkoff
K: Key Largo, KjBrand, Krüger, Khujo
L: Lascana, LeMaPa, Leslii, Like it, Lipsy of London, Lindenmann
M: MAC, Maerz München, Magic Bodyfashion, Marie Jo, Marjo, Marc O'Polo, Mavi, Mey, Meyer, Milano, Milestone, Missgoodlife, Monari, Monte Carlo, Mooilo, More & More
N: New Canadian, New Zealand Auckland, Nina von C., No Excess
O: Olsen, Olymp, Only, Only & Sons, Ops, Oui
P: Pad, Pierre Cardin, PME Legend, Prima Donna, Prince Bowtie, Purple Lily, P.S. Schuhmacher
Q: QS by S.Oliver
R: Rabe, Raphaela By Brax, Ragmann, Redmond, Relaxed by Toni, Rich & Royal, Rino & Pelle
S: Saint Jacques, Salzhaut, Seidel, Seidenfalter, Sloggi, Someday, S.Oliver Black Label, S.Oliver red, Speidel., Spieth & Wensky, Stehmann, Sublevel, Surifrey, Swing
T: Toni, Trachtenrebell, Triumph
U: Umjubelt, Una
V: Van de Velde, Venti, Vero Moda, Vera Mont, Via Appia - Due -
W: Wellensteyn, Wasabi Concept, Wewo
Y: Yaya
Z: Zaida, Zhrill, Zuitable
B: Barbara Lebek, Be Board, Benvenuto, Betty Barclay, Betty & Co, Bling Berlin, Brax, Buena Vista
C: Calamar, Calida, Cambio, Casa Moda, Catalano, Cecil, Chantelle Beachwear, Club of Comfort, Club of Gents, Codello, Comma, Comma CI
D: Diff`, Dorisstreich,
E: Efixelle, Elbsand, Erfo, Emily Van den Bergh, Eterna
F: Falke, Fox's, Fraas, Frank Lyman, Frank Walder, Freebird, Fuchs Schmitt
G: Gabba, Gang, Gate One, Gil Bret, Ginatricot, Gipsy, G.O.L., Grasegger
H: Happy Socks, Hatico, Hattric, Heimatliebe, Hermann Lange (AZ Modell), Highlight Company
I: Inyati, Intermoda
J: Japan TKY, Joseph Ribkoff
K: Key Largo, KjBrand, Krüger, Khujo
L: Lascana, LeMaPa, Leslii, Like it, Lipsy of London, Lindenmann
M: MAC, Maerz München, Magic Bodyfashion, Marie Jo, Marjo, Marc O'Polo, Mavi, Mey, Meyer, Milano, Milestone, Missgoodlife, Monari, Monte Carlo, Mooilo, More & More
N: New Canadian, New Zealand Auckland, Nina von C., No Excess
O: Olsen, Olymp, Only, Only & Sons, Ops, Oui
P: Pad, Pierre Cardin, PME Legend, Prima Donna, Prince Bowtie, Purple Lily, P.S. Schuhmacher
Q: QS by S.Oliver
R: Rabe, Raphaela By Brax, Ragmann, Redmond, Relaxed by Toni, Rich & Royal, Rino & Pelle
S: Saint Jacques, Salzhaut, Seidel, Seidenfalter, Sloggi, Someday, S.Oliver Black Label, S.Oliver red, Speidel., Spieth & Wensky, Stehmann, Sublevel, Surifrey, Swing
T: Toni, Trachtenrebell, Triumph
U: Umjubelt, Una
V: Van de Velde, Venti, Vero Moda, Vera Mont, Via Appia - Due -
W: Wellensteyn, Wasabi Concept, Wewo
Y: Yaya
Z: Zaida, Zhrill, Zuitable